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夕 西 希 息 惜 烯 稀 锡 习 袭 戏 细的英文

"夕 西 希 息 惜 烯 稀 锡 习 袭 戏 细"怎么读


  • xi
  • "夕"英文翻译    sunset
  • "西"英文翻译    west
  • "希"英文翻译    hope
  • "息"英文翻译    breath
  • "惜"英文翻译    cherish; value highly; treas ...
  • "烯"英文翻译    alkene; olefince
  • "稀"英文翻译    rare; scarce; uncommon
  • "习"英文翻译    practise; exercise; review
  • "袭"英文翻译    make a surprise attack on; r ...
  • "戏"英文翻译    play; sport
  • "细"英文翻译    thin; slender
  • "夕" 英文翻译 :    名词1.(日落的时候;傍晚) sunset 朝发夕至 start at daybreak and arrive at sunset2.(泛指晚上) evening; night 除夕 new year's eve; 旦夕 this morning or evening--in a short time; 这些问题不是一朝一夕能够解决的。 these problems cannot be solved overnight.3.(姓氏) a surname 夕斌 xi bin
  • "惜" 英文翻译 :    动词1.(爱惜) cherish; value highly; treasure; care for tenderly 爱惜 cherish; treasure; 惜寸阴 value every bit of time; make good use of every moment; 珍惜时间 set a high value on one's time;2.(吝惜) spare; grudge; stint 不惜工本 spare neither labour nor money; spare no expense3.(惋惜) have pity on sb.; feel sorry for sb.: 惋惜 feel sorry for; 怜惜弱者 take pity on the weak; 可惜的是你不能来。 the pity is that you cannot come
  • "袭" 英文翻译 :    Ⅰ动词1.(袭击; 侵袭) make a surprise attack on; raid 空袭 air raid [attack]; 偷袭 surprise attack; sneak raid; 夜袭 night raid; 寒气袭人。 there is a nip in the air. 花气袭人。 the fragrance of flowers assails one's nose.2.(照样做) follow the pattern of; carry on as before 抄袭 plagiarize; 因袭 carry on (an old tradition, etc.)Ⅱ量词[书面语] (用于成套的衣服) 衣一袭 a suit of clothesⅢ名词(姓氏) a surname 袭远 xi yuan
  • "稀" 英文翻译 :    Ⅰ形容词1.(事物出现得少) rare; scarce; uncommon 物以稀为贵。 when a thing is scarce, it is precious.2.(事物之间距离远; 空隙大) sparse; scattered 地广人稀 a vast, sparsely populated area; 月明星稀。 the moon is bright and the stars are few.3.(含水多; 稀薄) watery; thin 我想吃点稀的。 i'd like to have some liquid food. 粥太稀了。 this gruel is too thin.Ⅱ名词(姓氏) a surname 稀贤 xi xian
  • "【医学】锡[希]克氏(白喉免疫性)检验。" 英文翻译 :    schick test
  • "习" 英文翻译 :    Ⅰ动词1.(温习; 练习) practise; exercise; review 复习 review (one's lessons); 自习 study by oneself; 学而时习之 learn and constantly review what one has learned2.(对某事物常常接触而熟悉) get accustomed to; be used to; become familiar with 不习水性 be not good at swimming; 习水性 a good swimmer; 习闻 often hearⅡ名词1.(习惯) habit; custom; usual practice 恶习 bad [pernicious] habit; 积习 old habit; longstanding practice; 陋习 bad custom2.(姓氏) a surname 习凿齿 xi zuochi
  • "戏" 英文翻译 :    Ⅰ动词1.(玩耍; 游戏) play; sport 二龙戏珠 two dragons playing with a pearl; 嬉戏 sport; have fun2.(开玩笑; 嘲弄) make fun of; joke 戏言 say sth. for fun; jokeⅡ名词1.(戏剧; 杂技) drama; play; show 京戏beijing opera; 马戏 circus show [performance]; 演戏 put on play; act in a play; playacting; 去看戏 go to the theatre; 好戏还在后头呢。 the really interesting part of the show is yet to come. 这场戏演得很精彩。 it was a wonderful performance. 这出戏两点钟开始演出。 the play begins at 2.2.(姓氏) a surname 戏志才 xi zhicai
  • "息" 英文翻译 :    Ⅰ名词1.(呼吸时进出的气) breath 屏息 hold one's breath; 喘息 gasp for breath; pant; 一息尚存 so long as there is breath left in one; 战斗到最后一息 fight to one's last breath2.(消息) news 信息 news; message; information3.(利钱; 利息) interest 定息 fixed interest; 还本付息 repay capital with interest; 无息贷款 interest-free loan4.[书面语] (子女) one's children5.(姓氏) a surname 息隆泰 xi longtaiⅡ动词1.(停止) cease; stop 经久不息的掌声 prolonged applause; 风止雨息。 the wind has subsided and the rain stopped.2.(休息) rest 歇息 have a rest; 按时作息 work and rest according to the timetable3.(滋生; 繁殖) grow; multiply 蕃息 multiply greatly; 生息 grow; propagate
  • "烯" 英文翻译 :    名词[化学] (有机化合物的一类) alkene; olefince
  • "锡" 英文翻译 :    Ⅰ名词1.[化学] (金属元素) tin (sn)2.(姓氏) a surname 锡光xi guangⅡ动词[书面语] (赐给) grant; bestow
  • "希" 英文翻译 :    Ⅰ动词(希望) hope 敬希读者指正。 it is hoped that the readers will kindly point out our errors. 希你及时把它完成。 you are expected to finish it in time. 希准时到会。 please get to the meeting on time.Ⅱ形容词(事物出现得少) rare; scarce; uncommonⅢ名词(姓氏) a surname 希海 xi hai
  • "细" 英文翻译 :    形容词1.(条状物横剖面小) thin; slender 细铁丝 thin wire; 细线 fine thread; 细腰 slender waist; 纤细的手指 fine fingers2.(颗粒小) in small particles; fine 细沙 fine sand; 玉米面磨得很细。 the corn flour has been ground very fine.3.(音量小) thin and soft 细嗓子 a thready voice4.(精细) fine; exquisite; delicate 粗粮细作 make delicacies out of coarse food grain; 细瓷 fine porcelain [china]; 这几件象牙雕刻做得真细 ! what exquisite [delicate] ivory carvings these are!5.(仔细; 详细; 周密) careful; meticulous; detailed 工作做得细 be meticulous in one's work; 过细地做工作 be careful with [in doing] one's work; work meticulously; 精收细打 careful reaping and threshing; 细看 examine carefully; scrutinize; 细问 make detailed inquiries; ask about details6.(细微; 细小) minute; trifling 分工很细 have an elaborate division of labour; 事无巨细 all matters, big and small; 琐细得不切实际的理论 a finespun theory
  • "西" 英文翻译 :    west
  • "戏,剧本" 英文翻译 :    drama
夕 西 希 息 惜 烯 稀 锡 习 袭 戏 细的英文翻译,夕 西 希 息 惜 烯 稀 锡 习 袭 戏 细英文怎么说,怎么用英语翻译夕 西 希 息 惜 烯 稀 锡 习 袭 戏 细,夕 西 希 息 惜 烯 稀 锡 习 袭 戏 细的英文意思,夕 西 希 息 惜 烯 稀 錫 習 襲 戲 細的英文夕 西 希 息 惜 烯 稀 锡 习 袭 戏 细 meaning in English夕 西 希 息 惜 烯 稀 錫 習 襲 戲 細的英文夕 西 希 息 惜 烯 稀 锡 习 袭 戏 细怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。